Lynette Harrison - February Author Profile

Lynette Harrison

Lynette Harrison, a native of Washington, DC, is a current student at Regent University. A wife, mother, author, nonprofit executive and entrepreneur, this Proverbs 31 woman is truly operating in her giftings and walking in the call of God on her life.

Mrs. Harrison splits her time between caring for her family and heading two major ministry projects: W.O.M.A.N. and GIMA Publishing. W.O.M.A.N. (Women of God On the Move Making a Difference Achieving Greatness Now!) is nonprofit organization a non-profit organization with a mission of empowering women in their walk with Jesus Christ through conferences, biblical teaching, and radio interviews. Mrs. Harrison is also the President of G.I.M.A. PUBLISHING, LLC. G.I.M.A. Publishing's vision is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ through books, poetry and other creative ways to uproot, pluck up, cast down everything in the person that separates them from God, provoke and promote healing, wholeness and deliverance in the love of God.

Mrs. Harrison is also an author and inspirational speaker. Her first book, Reduce Me to Christ, is a 3O-day devotional designed to encourage Christians in their everyday living to seek and pursue the presence and person of God. It is an insightful and introspective journal that targets issues relevant to each believer and shows believers how to handle those issues from God's perspective and not their own. It's purpose is to encourage a "yieldedness" and surrender to God in all things.

Mrs. Harrison lives in Baltimore with her family and is available for book talks and lectures at 1-877-239-8229 or email at

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