The Christian AOT Network's September 2011 Author in the Spotlight is Ordained Evangelist, Author, Poet, Songwriter, Psalmist, Bible Teacher, Entrepreneur, and Internet Radio Host - Annette E. Morton. Evangelist Annette E. Morton accepted Christ in March 1984. She was licensed to preach in May 1996 and became an ordained minister in November 1997. In addition to her call to the ministry, Evangelist Morton is an author and business owner. Her company, LifeThoughts Publishing provides evangelistic publications and music that enlightens, encourages and empowers others to live out a life of reverence, passion and obedience in an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Her book, Transference of Coverings: Understanding the Role of a Man Over a Woman's Life, enlightens both men and women of the three main biblical male coverings over a woman's life.
Evangelist Morton is also the host of several blog talk radio shows via Heart Right Ministries at In addition to being an active member of Christian Authors on Tour (CAOT), Evangelist Morton is also a member of the Black Writer's Guild of MD, Inc. (BWG), the Traveling Ministers Fellowship (TWF) and the African-American Authors Expo group.
Evangelist Morton is on fire for the Lord as she travels the world passionately preaching and expounding God’s Word in spoken word, song, and written expressions that further the Kingdom of God.
For more information about Evangelist Annette E. Morton, visit or CLICK HERE!